I'd often heard stories of the corporate world, of a place where clip art is common and where email forwards clog up inboxes. It wasn't until I joined the professional workforce that I realized these stories were true.
Everyday I receive a new office forward- sometimes it's from Helen reminding us all to "giddy up" and donate to the United Way campaign; other times it's Frank asking us to please make sure we push our chairs in after we meet in the boardroom; and sometimes it's Judy from the social committee combining her talents of using clip art and pun making in word documents to invite us to the latest team building activity.
These office forwards have only been edited to protect the identity of those who work there. Some of the entries have been sent in by other cynical office workers, but I can assure you that the forwards themselves have not been edited or changed in any other way. I invite you to read through and take in the glory and the wonder of stupid office forwards...