Monday, December 8, 2008

Re: the corporate world

An excerpt from an actual email:

Re: your voicemail message asking about dropping the “www.” From our URL when using it on promotional items. That’s a really good question. Like the “1” in “1-800” which we dropped because we felt everyone knows that you dial “1” before a toll free number, it might be time to drop the “www.” before our URL as we can pretty safely assume that everybody knows to type “www.” before the rest of a web address. However, do you have any examples of other organizations that have dropped the “www.” ? I wouldn’t want to be the first or to do it if it is not widely done by others. I’d be interested in the thoughts of others on this question.

:O Have you ever seen anything more gloroious that this???? I think this one might be the BEST stupid office memo to date. For serious.

FYI- In case you're wondering, the correct answer to this question is to schedule a meeting and create a URL committee task force.


Anonymous said...

We don't ever want to be the first to do anything in the corporate world. That's what the first company thought, back in 1891, when they dropped the www.

H said...

ugh. Some offices WOULD create a task force. Like mine.


Anonymous said...

Ugh. A TASK FORCE?!?!?!?!


Anonymous said...

hahah seriously.....that's sooo awful. Ohh corporate canada...